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Whitepaper: Realizing your strategy successfully in a disruptive world

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Only 10% of organizations is effectively achieving their strategic goals
The majority of companies is not able to successfully translate their strategic plans into reality. In this whitepaper Peter Bassa (Strategia Business Consulting) and André de Wit (Leadership Academy Amsterdam) will describe the decisive elements that make a strategic process successful. Read our articles or send a mail to receive our whitepaper to get useful insights how to improve your results.

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Managing transitions

Article 10 – Managing transitions, responding to a new reality

Changing strategies is more than just an operational shift.
Still, many companies tend to repeat what has worked for them in the past. But an adequate response to the new reality is critical for success. When you adapt your strategy, your organizational culture and leadership style should be aligned as well. To measure your position on those three dimensions, we have developed the SLC Radar. An assessment tool to map your Strategy approach, Leadership style and Organizational culture as a starting point to navigate your migration process. Read more about our SLC Radar in this 10th article.

SLC Radar

SLC Radar: Assess Strategy, Leadership and Culture

Measuring your position
Start your alignment process by measuring these three critical drivers for success. With our SLC Radar you can map them in our model and start navigating your migration process. The SLC Radar helps you to start discussions with your team about the results and how to take the next steps managing the transition.

“Companies tend to repeat
what has worked for them in the past.
To succeed, managers have to learn
when and how to
abandon the strategies
they have grown up with.”


Laurence Capron and Will Mitchell, HBR 2012

Visual Article 9 Recovery strategy - Cut with courage and create a future perspective

Article 9 – Recovery strategy, cut with courage and create a future perspective

Survive now and prepare for a better place in the market tomorrow.
My favorite article! The economy is opening again, and who will be the winners of tomorrow? What are your bets? Which companies have changed their business model in time, or were they just trying to survive. Every market sector has to deal with the post-corona era. Mostly, we are involved at companies that need to change a lot to have a future. It’s clear, the impact of good leadership, sound strategy and a vital culture is decisive for success, now more than ever. Recovery strategy is all about Contraction and Exploration.  Find the double challenge for management in this article.

Visual Article 8 Visionary strategy - Be first and implement with great persistence

Article 8 – Visionary strategy, be first and implement with great persistence

Be the first and implement with great persistence
Can an industry be disrupted by a single company? We know the examples of great visionary leaders building famous companies and transforming complete markets. Mostly we think of newcomers, but is it possible for the ‘establishment’ to reinvent themselves and shake up their markets? What are the answers from e.g. the German automotive industry on Tesla, and what of the global top financials on the Adyen’s of this world? Read in our 8th article that visionary leadership and relentless execution is not a contradiction in terms.

Visual Article 7 Shaping strategy - Orchestrating the market

Article 7 – Shaping strategy, Orchestrating the market

Orchestrate and dominate the business ecosystem
Companies that build successful business ecosystems can reap tremendous benefits. Successful online platform companies for example are now the most valuable companies in the world and their growing power is enabling them to rewrite the rules of strategy.  Traditional assumptions about competitive strategy, leadership and culture are no longer valid in platform-organized markets. Read in our 7th article how these companies become successful.

Visual Article 6 Adaptive strategy - Building multiple competitive advantages

Article 6 – Adaptive strategy, Building multiple temporary advantages

Act fast, experiment and execute with courage.
Lockdowns, distortion of supply chains, working from home… In very little time, businesses had to adapt to this new reality. Companies going bankrupt, others are booming. The pandemic has forced companies, and their people, to change. New ways of communication, artificial intelligence, digitisation, robotics and automation are changing the playing field completely. The essence in our 6th article is to act fast, explore multiple opportunities and allocate your means to the most promising ones.

Visual Article 5 Classical strategy - Building a sustainable competitive advantage

Article 5 – Classical strategy, Building a competitive sustainable advantage

Big beats small, or not any more?
What happens if your market conditions change? Or when they are disrupted as never before? Surveys show that nearly 80% of companies follow a classical approach to strategy planning. Even if management realizes the mismatch with their actual business environment. Learning to adapt; what does that mean for your strategizing process, culture and leadership style? When ‘control’ is a typical trait in classical companies, it is clear that the challenges in covid times are huge.

Visual Article 4 Organizational culture and leadership as a foundation for successful strategy implementation

Article 4 – Organizational culture and leadership: a foundation for successful strategy implementation

Do top managers have the right qualities to create a culture of change?
It is well known that the culture of an organization has the power to drive sustained business performance, especially in times of (disruptive) changes. Ignoring the need for a culture that aligns with the strategy, can easily become a limiting force and undermine the strategic success of an organization. No less than 95% of CEO’s say they face challenges trying to create a culture of change. That raises an important question: what role does leadership play in this process?

Visual Realizing your strategy successfully chapter 3

Article 3 – Choosing a strategy process that leads to success
Almost 60% of CEO’s say their companies struggle to implement strategies
Carrying out the same strategy process in different environments will not be successful. In our 3rd article we question the standardized strategy process. Every year, management teams are given the same strict deadlines to develop their annual plans and budgets and send them to HQ. Even if conditions have completely changed, as we experience now, the process itself will not change.

Visual Realizing your strategy successfully chapter 2

Article 2 – Challenges for leaders in strategy design

Why a ‘one size fits all’ strategy approach will fail
Many companies use a classical approach to strategy planning. Even though they are working in different geographies, business environments or markets. BCG research showed that nearly 80% of surveyed companies followed that track, although they realize the mismatch. In our 2nd article we describe the BCG Strategy Palette and link it to organizational culture and leadership to find alternative solutions.

Visual Realizing your strategy successfully chapter 1

Article 1 – Realizing your strategy successfully in a disruptive world
Only 10% of organizations is effectively achieving their strategic goals
The majority of companies is not able to successfully translate their strategic plans into reality. 59% of CEO’s say their organizations struggle to implement strategies successfully. We have identified 3 characteristics successful organizations have in common. Bridging the gap between strategy design and execution is a serious challenge. Today more than ever.

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